- Two python version in Windows:
- Install both Py2 and Py3
- Make a copy of both Python.exe files for Py2 and Py3
- Rename one of the Python.exe in both locations to Py2.exe and Py3.exe respectively (Both are initially Python.exe)
- Add env paths of both locations, including their /Scripts dir
- Done
- Set alias in PowerShell
Function <var_name> {Set-Location <full_path>}
Set-Alias -Name <the_alias> -Value <var_name>
- Setting up WSL
- Set aliases file .bash_aliases
- Set proxy /etc/apt/apt.conf
Acquire::http::Proxy "http://...@...:xxx";
- Sudo apt update
- Sudo apt install build-essential
- Sudo apt install python3, python3-pip
- Linux commands
- To see and also save command ouputs src
<cmd> |& tee output_file
- See apt installed packages
apt list --installed
- To see and also save command ouputs src