A tiny temperature monitor program which in responce to a certain temperature value in degrees C can clear or set output GPIO pins.
The pins are specified using wiringPi numbers (execute gpio readall
obtain them).
During initialisation all of the specified pins will be set in OUTPUT mode,
having their state cleared (low/false/0).
The temperature is read from a file in millidegrees C resolution as an integer value, and later gets converted to a floating point one in degrees.
The duration in seconds for which a certain temperature matches a condition can be also taken into account.
For configuration example refer to the configuration template file 'config.json.template'. Then create a copy of it called 'config.json' with your actual settings, which will be used with TempMon.
Create your config.json file in the current directory. Then execute:
sudo make install
To start the service execute: sudo service tempmon start
To enable the service at system's startup: sudo systemctl enable tempmon.service
sudo make -i uninstall
- Smart cooling fan (if combined with a MOSFET)
- Controlling other circuity depending on temperature
- Controlling devices based on pseudo-temperature values