❗ Important Note |
Refer to README for a quick start of how to use caravel_user_project
Refer to README for this sample project documentation.
Here is RIOS Advanced Microprocessor Design Course Lab Template.
Your RTL and C model should be placed in riosclass_template/verilog and riosclass_template/cmodel.
Your lab report should be placed in riosclass_template/rpt.
We use this template for lab 1, lab 2, lab 3, final project and OpenMPW precheck.
The RTL code path: riosclass_template\verilog\rtl\lab_1\src
GreenRio, AKA hehe, is a small RISC-V CPU.
For Lab 1:
"riosclass_template\verilog\rtl\lab_1\src" is the GreenRio RTL source code path. Some tests have been passed. You will use all files in 'core_empty'(except 'mmu'), 'cache', 'params.vh', 'bus_arbiter.v' and 'hehe.v' for simulation and logic synthesis.
core_empty: the function_unit modules, pipeline, and core_empty top RTL codes; 'core_empty' means that the source codes here are the pure core parts of the CPU, excluding cache and sram.
cache: the cache parts of CPU; the sram is instantiated at the top of the cache module.
bus_arbiter: communication bus between SoC and core.
hehe: the top of GreenRio CPU.
Other files should not be used in lab1, but will be used in later labs.
You can access the spec documentaion at riosclass_template\spec\HeHecore.md.