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Scuffed Stash for everything Binary Exploitation and Reverse Engineering related
Here are some recommended recourses to browse through if you are just starting off.
AT&T Syntax versus Intel Syntax
x86 and amd64 instruction reference
Understanding the differences between 8bit, 16bit, 32bit, and 64bit
Stack Frames and how they work
Anatomy of a Program in Memory
Virtual Memory and Address Translation
Exploit a basic buffer overflow
Here are some great free courses and tutorials. The first 5 links contain some great information.
Offensive Software Exploitation (OSE) Course
Modern Binary Exploitation - CSCI 4968
A Crash Course in x86 Assembly for Reverse Engineers
x86-64 Assembly Language Programming with Ubuntu
TryHackMe x86-64 Assembly Documentation
Quick Guide to Assembly in 161
Z0F-Course on Reverse Engineering
Exploit Development Community Course
Introduction to Computer Organization: ARM Assembly Language Using the Raspberry Pi
A gentle introduction to multithreading
COM Hijacking for Lateral Movement
Exploit Mitigation Techniques - Stack Canaries
0ctf babystack with return-to dl-resolve
Format String Exploitation-Tutorial
ARM64 Reversing and Exploitation
Linux System Call Table 32 Bit
Linux System Call Table 64 Bit
A gentle introduction to Linux Kernel fuzzing
The never ending problems of local ASLR holes in Linux
Unleashing Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities in Linux Kernel
Exploiting A Use-After-Free With radare2 - CTF Challenge
Windows Exploitation Resources
Buffer overflow Windows exploit development practice - 50 proof of concepts
An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format
Basics of Windows shellcode writing
Understanding Windows Shellcode
Bypassing Windows Hardware-enforced Data Execution Prevention
A Beginner’s Guide to Windows Shellcode Execution Techniques
Windows 10 Mitigation Improvements
Mitigating arbitrary native code execution in Microsoft Edge
Bypassing Control Flow Guard in Windows 10
Bypassing Mitigations by Attacking JIT Server in Microsoft Edge
Understanding type confusion vulnerabilities
Kernel-mode Payloads on Windows
DLL Injection Using LoadLibrary in C
Return Oriented Programming Techniques
Deep Dive into ROP Payload Analysis
Return Oriented Programming Tetzank Guide
Return-into-libc without Function Calls
return-to-csu: A New Method to Bypass 64-bit Linux ASLR
Framing Signals—A Return to Portable Shellcode
Slides for Framing Signals—A Return to Portable Shellcode
SROP Exploitation with radare2
Sigreturn-Oriented Programming
Utilizing Code Reuse/ROP in PHP Application Exploits
Understanding the Low Fragmentation Heap
Remote Code Execution via Tcache Poisoning
Applying Return Oriented and Jump Oriented Programming Exploitation Techniques with Heap Spraying
The 5-Minute Guide to C Pointers
Introduction To Reverse Engineering With Radare2
Cutter RE Platform Powered by Radare2
Getting Started with Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering for Beginners
Malware Unicorn Reverse Engineering 101
Applied Reverse Engineering Series
Malware Analysis For Hedgehogs
Python for Reverse Engineering
Knockin’ on Heaven’s Gate – Dynamic Processor Mode Switching
The info leak era on software exploitation
Case Study of VMware Guest-To-Host escape vulnrabilities
Escape from VMware Workstation by using "Hearthstone"
Make PE Backdooring Great Again
CTP/OSCE Course Preparation - HeapSpray + SEH + EggHunter
HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver
Damn Vulnerable Router Firmware