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My Dotfiles

Vim / Nvim

My config is compatible with both vim and neovim. (Some plugins are only available on neovim)

To install all the vim plugins open vim and run :PluginInstall

Vim configuration is huge but it's organized and documented, so just open the .vimrc file and check it out

Plugins (using vim-plug):

Check the .vimrc on the VIM PLUG PLUGINS section for the list of plugins



77 77f

Other prompts are available and can be set with the function prompt [1-7], or directly source one of the files inside prompts

Prompts support:

  • git directories and status of the files (untracked, staged... aswell as upstream checks), but you must source .bash/
  • diferent colors for normal user / root / ssh session user (in prompt 6, 7 this segment is hidden unless the user is root or in an ssh session)
  • python conda/virtual environments. except prompt 1
  • last command exit status ( failed or succeded )
  • compress some paths ( my repository path is compressed into "R:" . except prompt 5, 6, 7
  • background jobs counter
  • command counter only prompt 5, 6, 7
  • show the respective tty. except 6, 7
  • display virtual machine environment indicator only prompt 7


To install the tmux plugins press <prefix>+I (it will freeze for a few seconds...)


Tmux has a lot of custom configurations added in .tmux.conf and a few plugins inside .tmux added as submodules that are managed through TPM (Tmux Plugin Manager)


Window decorations

My custom KDE window decorations are here , a fork from this 12


10 I've used firefox color in the past but it's not able to theme everything. So I've made my own custom theme and got it signed: firefox/ I also have some custom tweaks on firefox/userChrome.css and custom developer tools theme on firefox/userContent.css


10 My slack style hack with the following sidebar settings:



My spotify modified text theme to use with spicetify

  • To fix spotify glitches disable gpu with --disable-gpu



My modified whatsapp style (not up to date with the modified style file on this repo)


My main configuration files:

  • Dependencies

  • Installation/Cloning

  • .bashrc only contains some bash options and sources all scripts inside .bash, which contains:

    • prompts
    • functions and aliases
    • contains, which is a new readline implementation and it's simply amazing! There is also blerc which contains custom settings and themes to make blesh suit my preferences...
    • fzf-bindings.bash for fzf bindings that defines some custom bindings through And for directory marks with fzf which saves a lot of typing :)
    • fzf-git.bash contains some functions to use fzf with git. There are some better projects with these
    • scripts with some useless utilities that I didn't want to create as a function...
  • inputrc contains some bindings for bash readline that are accepted in too. I use this file for more barebones configs that I don't want running

  • .gitconfig with my configuration for git (uses delta to view diffs)

  • fonts in .fonts are from nerd fonts. They are stored in lfs so see the lfs section bellow

  • konsole contains my konsole themes and profile (lives in $HOME/.local/share/konsole)

  • icons contains papirus icons edited to match gruvbox style (there is a script inside to install these icons)

  • css contains styles to inject somewhere

  • .gdbinit contains a dashboard from gdb-dashboard that takes gdb out of the dark ages.

  • Files inside .config

    • bottom and htop configs
    • ranger configs. The inside it is also used by fzf to preview files if it exists. Which makes not sense but I didn't bother to place it better where it can be used by both programs...
    • rofi with a custom colorscheme, that I use in rofi launch script for Plasma to look like this and bind a key to something like this $HOME/.bash/scripts/ -show run
    • zathura directory with gruvbox colorstyle for zathura copied from abdullaev
    • other old files for the combo: bspwm + sxhkd + polybar + Compton. Now I just use plasma for mental health reasons...

Most of my files are set with the gruvbox colorscheme that is the only one I don't get tired of...


  • gawk for building
  • fzf for some keybindings and bookmark directories in bash
  • delta for generating git diffs (setup in .gitconfig) delta
  • ripgrep to use with vim-fzf searching for file contents

Installation and Cloning

This repository contains submodules for the, vim-plug and Tmux Plugin Manager. Do either:

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8

where -j8 is the number of jobs to run in paralell. Or:

git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update

NOTE To configure the first time you need to run make inside .bash/ (this is where the gawk dependency comes in)

To update the vim plugins and the repo use

git pull --recurse-submodules -j8

If new submodules where added you might need to run git submodule init again

To copy/link the files you want run install/ --help to check the usage of this script

For unattendend install:

./install/ --force --post --batch

lfs files

Some larger files are stored on lfs, they are normally excluded so for pulling them use this command:

# Use -I to get only specific files, otherwise omitting that pulls all lfs files
# -X is required so it doesn't use exclude rules on .lfsconfig
git lfs pull -I '*.ttf' -X ''

Older themes to go along with the gruvbox colorscheme