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Verifier Agent Startup and Settings

bsantosALB edited this page Sep 8, 2022 · 15 revisions

VerifierAgent (Trading Consumer)

This agent is able to establish connections with other agents, and is able to verify credentials. To have these capabilities, it must be initialized with these flags:

aca-py start --inbound-transport http 8040 --outbound-transport http --endpoint --label VerifierAgent_Consumer --seed AgentConsumer0000000000000000000 --admin 8041 --admin-insecure-mode --auto-ping-connection --auto-accept-invites --auto-accept-requests --auto-verify-presentation --wallet-key secret --wallet-name ConsumerAgent --wallet-type indy --auto-provision --genesis-url

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

Remember to register the Agent's seed on the VON-Network before deploying the Agent

The following table explains the meaning of each flag used at agent startup

Boot_Parameters Example Description
aca-py start Start command
--inbound-transport http 8040 This is the protocol, address and port your ACA-py instance will be reachable at for other ACA-py instances - required
--outbound-transport http This is the protocol that your ACA-py instance will use to communicate to other instances - required
--endpoint This is the URL at which your ACA-py instance will be available for other ACA-py instances to reach. This URL will be used for establishing connections. The protocol address and port should be the same as for --inbound-transport
--label VerifierAgent_Consumer The name that you give this ACA-py instance
--seed Alice000000000000000000000000000 You can create a public DID via the VON-network webserver, it will tell you the seed for the DID you registered.
--admin 8041 This is the address and port you will be able to acess the Swagger documentation for ACA-PY instance
--admin-insecure-mode Allows you to use the admin web server without api-key. Only for test
--auto-ping-connection Connection parameters between agents Sends a ping message after establishing the connection to mark it as ‘active’.
--auto-accept-invites Connection parameters between agents Automatic acceptation of invites, which results in the sending of a connection request
--auto-accept-requests Connection parameters between agents Connection request, which will be automatically accepted, which results in response after which the connection is established
--auto-verify-presentation Credential verification Automatic credential verification
--wallet-key secret This is the key that is required to access your wallet
--wallet-name VerifierAgent The name that you give this wallet instance
--wallet-type indy This instructs libindy to create a wallet for you that can communicate with an Indy ledger
--genesis-url Points to the VON-network webserver where the genesis file can be found. Other command-line arguments can be used to point to a file on disk for example.
--auto-provision The provision command is there to separate the creation of wallets. For development a new command-line parameter has been added that automatically provisions a wallet in case it does not exist