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This is the Intelligent slice and service manager component responsible for executing orchestration workflows in a context of a business transaction, such as extending a slice across a second domain in cooperation with the Network Slice and Service Orchestration.

ISSM is comprised of a centralized component and a local instance running at the MNO premises



Software dependencies

  1. Kubernetes
  2. Kafka

5GZORRO Module dependencies

  1. Datalake
  2. Smart Resource and Service Discovery
  3. 5G-TRMF
  4. ISSM Optimizer
  5. Resource and Service Offer Catalog

5GZORRO Orchestration Module

For each mobile network operator (MNO), install either NSSO or ISSM-MEC-CNMP.

Installation (ISSM centralized components)

Log into 5GZorro platform kuberneters master

Argo and Argo-events

Perform these instructions to install Argo


Follow the guidelines here

Create Eventbus in issm namespace

kubectl create namespace issm
kubectl apply -n issm -f

Create eventsource

Register an event source with platform communication fabric

Update kafka ip and port accordingly

export KAFKA_HOST=
export KAFKA_PORT=9092
envsubst < deploy/kafka-sla-breach-event-source.yaml.template | kubectl apply -n issm -f -

Add argo-event roles

Grant proper roles for issm sensor

kubectl apply -f deploy/install-v1.1.0.yaml

Onboard SLA breach sensor

Create the sensor and templates


Installation (ISSM local instance)

Follow these instructions to install a local ISSM agent (event source, sensor and flow templates) in the participating 5GZorro operators. Repeat this process for every operator (i.e. operator-a, operator-b and operator-c)

The below procedure applies to MNO (mobile network operator) operator-a

Log into operator-a kuberneters master

Create MNO namespace

export MNO_NAME=operator-a

kubectl create namespace $MNO_NAMESPACE

Add Argo roles to MNO namespace

Run the below to add additional roles to default service account of the MNO namespace. These roles are used by the argo workflow controller

kubectl apply -f deploy/role.yaml -n $MNO_NAMESPACE

Add Argo-event roles to MNO namespace

envsubst < deploy/install-v1.1.0-operator.yaml.template | kubectl apply -f -

Add Eventbus to MNO namespace

kubectl apply -n $MNO_NAMESPACE -f

Deploy sensor event source and templates

export MNO_NAME=operator-a


ORCHESTRATOR denotes the orchestration being supported by the MNO

Valid values

Trigger ISSM business flow

Use ISSM-API to submit a transaction. Follow the guidelines here

then watch business flow progress with Argo GUI running on the participated MNOs


Avi Weit - [email protected]

David Breitgand - [email protected]


This 5GZORRO component is published under Apache 2.0 license. Please see the LICENSE file for further details.