The main scope of the Legal Prose Repository (LPR) is to provide a storage service for the legal templates used in 5GZORRO Platform as baseline for the creation of legal documents such as Service Level Agreements and Licenses
The project encapsulates the Legal Prose Repository module of the 5GZORRO platform. It is a SpringBoot application with associated documentation built from Swagger annotations.
- 1 vCPU
- PostgreSQL
docker run --name some-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgres
If you want to deploy LPR in a not-virtualized environment you'll need also:
- Java 11
sudo apt update sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
- Maven
sudo apt update sudo apt install maven
The following procedures consider the previously listed dependencies already up and running. Both the installation procedures reported below require the creation of the required database in the running postgres instance. Run the following commands in order to create them:
docker exec -it <postgres_docker_id> /bin/bash
su postgres
createdb operator_x_legal_prose;
export spring_profiles_active=staging
./mvnw spring-boot:run
The following instructions consider the previously listed dependencies already up and running.
helm install legal-prose-api ./helm/charts/legal-prose-repository/
--namespace operatorx-ns
--values ./helm/charts/legal-prose-repository/values.yaml
--set dockerTag=5gzorro-core-1.7-rc
--set postgres.username=postgres
--set postgres.password=postgres
--set identityBaseUrl=""
--set identityDID=<stakeholder_did>
--set callbacks.updateTemplateIdentity=""
No particular configurations are needed.
Pietro Giuseppe Giardina - Design - [email protected]
Michael De Angelis - Develop and Design - [email protected]
This module is distributed under Apache 2.0 License terms.