Please revise the title, and replace the contents below with your competition or test code documentation when you start a new project by copying this Template. Below is the documentation of this project, not the robot code you create using this template.
- version: 2025.1.1 (runs with WPILib 2025.1.1 and associated vendor deps; and a05annexRobot 2025.0.1)
- status: first used for FRC 2023 Charged Up, updated for 2025 REEFSCAPE
- comments: This is the starting point for a swerve drive robot built on the a05annexRobot Swerve Drive with NavX and PhotonVision robot code base.
This is a project template for a swerve drive robot built on a05annexRobot library, which provides:
- The Swerve Drive subsystem with a driver-tunable drive command;
- A wrapper for the NavX which is integrated with the Drive subsystem for things like maintaining robot heading while translating, simultaneous rotation to face down-field/up-field while driving, and calibration for rotational drift of the NavX;
- Autonomous path selection and use of paths generated using the SwervePathPlanner;
- and PhotonVision support - though performance is currently suboptimal.