Interactive color-constrained textures editing, proceeding SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Technical Communications (SA Technical Communications ’24), December 3–6, 2024, Tokyo, Japan.
article @article{GMS24, title={Ink-Edit: Interactive color-constrained textures editing}, author={Grenier, Charline and Memari, Pooran and Sauvage, Basile}, journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, year={2024}, publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}, doi={10.1145/3681758.3697991} }
code @software {InkEditCode, title = {Ink-Edit: Interactive color-constrained textures editing - code}, author = {Grenier, Charline and Memari, Pooran and Sauvage, Basile}, date = {2024}, url = {} }
You need some classic development tools
- git
- cmake 3.0 min
- a recent C++ compiler
- g++
- clang
- Visual Studio C++
and some dépendencies (external libraries)
- glfw3
- metis
- suitesparse
Just install packages: for example on Debian/Ubuntu
apt install libcgal-dev libglew-dev libglfw3-dev libtbb-dev libsuitesparse-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev libmetis-dev
The most simple way to install dependencies is to use homebrew package system. Then you can install the dependencies:
- brew install cgal glew glfw3 tbb suitesparse lapack blas metis
The most simple way to install dependencies is to use vcpkg package system.
- get wcpkg (Donwload zip or git clone )
- open a powershell and go inside the directory:
cd vcpkg
- .\vcpkg.exe install cgal glew glfw3 tbb suitesparse lapack blas metis
- launch CMake, chose src dir and binary dir
- Configure
- Choose Specify tool chain file for cross compiling and set file:
- Generate
- Launch Solution
- compile (select Release configuration) and run