Java Project using Tesseract OCR
Introducing J-Scanner: A Java and Tesseract OCR Project
J-Scanner is a powerful tool developed by Abhiraj Ghose (E23CSEU0014) and Pallav Sharma (E23CSEU0022) of Bennett University for the Even Semester (02) CSET-109 Java Programming Project.
Project Overview: J-Scanner is a Java-based application that utilizes Tesseract OCR to perform Optical Character Recognition tasks. It offers various functionalities designed to streamline the process of creating and conducting tests, as well as analyzing the results.
Key Features: Log In/Sign Up: Users can either log in or sign up as a teacher or student. Teacher Options: Create New Test: Teachers can create new tests by processing answer keys using Tesseract OCR. Conclude Test: Once a test is completed, teachers can conclude it, automatically evaluating student submissions. View Result: Teachers can view the results of concluded tests, including individual student performance. Student Options: Attempt Test: Students can attempt ongoing tests by selecting from available options and submitting their answers for evaluation. Tesseract OCR Integration: The project seamlessly integrates Tesseract OCR to process answer keys and student submissions, enabling efficient evaluation. User Authentication: Secure login functionality ensures that only authorized users can access the system. Dynamic Test Management: Tests are dynamically managed, allowing teachers to create, conclude, and analyze results with ease.
Tools Required: Java Programming Language IntelliJ IDEA IDE Tesseract OCR or Tess4J
How to Use: Log in or sign up as a teacher or student. Teachers can create, conclude, and view test results. Students can attempt ongoing tests and submit their answers for evaluation.