School of applied Mathematics - FGV
Flávio Codeço Coelho
Introductory course on cryptocurrencies and other applications of blockchain technology. This course is part of the Applied Maths and Data-Science Undergraduate programs of FGV
Video lectures (in portuguese) are available on Youtube, covering part of this course's content.
date | conteúdo |
2018-08-02 | leitura prévia do white paper para a aula (ver bibliografia) |
2018-08-09 | leitura prévia do paper Raft |
- Introdution to Bitcoin and its history; the origin of cryptocurrencies
- Using Bitcoin Client
- Cryptocurrencies: A global overview of the most important coins and how they work
- Interacting with Bitcoin's blockchain from the Python console
- Bitcoin's "Proof of Work". From concepts to practice.
- Introduction to Cryptographic Hash functions and their use on Blockchains.
- Eliptical Curve Cryptography and their use in Bitcoin.
- RSA as a model of public key cryptography
- Alt coins
- Proof of stake.
- The Ethereum platform and smart contracts.
- Ethereum: White e Yellow paper
- Understanding Ethereum usage of Merkle Trees
- Desenvolvendo Aplicações na plataforma Ethereum
- Introduction to the Solidity Language
- Developing smart contracts: Open-zeppelin.
- Interacting with contracts from Javascript and Python.
- Developping Decentralized Apps (Dapps) using Meteor.
white paper [pdf] [errata] [HTML annotated] [other formats]
Mastering Bitcoin, Andreas Antonopoulos [link]
developer documentation [guide] [reference] [link]
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies (textbook) [preprint] [amazon]
bigchainDB whitepaper [link]
Grin/MimbleWimble [repo]
permaCoin whitepaper [link]
Kosba, A et al. Hawk: The Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts
Blockchains rely on different proving strategies to ensure distributed consensus. We will discuss some of them in this course.
Casper (Ethereum proposal) [non-triviality] [repo] [faq]
PeerCoin paper [pdf]
Juels, A et al. PORs: Proofs of Retrievability for Large Files
Bowers, K et al. Proofs of Retrievability: Theory and Implementation
- Slimcoin paper [pdf]
- Bruno Cuconato @odanoburu
- João Carabetta @JoaoCarabetta