This is a website to view ACTi cameras that have the defualt login deatils (admin, 123456). You can get a list of all accessible cameras by using cam-finder which will generate a .csv file. The csv file can the be imported and shown in the website.
You can view an online version here here
- composer
- npm
- php
- sqlite (may also need to enable module in php.ini)
generate csv file using cam-finder
git clone
cd cam-finder-web
composer install
npm install && npm run build
touch database/database.sqlite
# move the previously generated csv file to 'storage/app/cameras.csv'
php artisan database:update
php artisan serve
- View all cameras with defualt login details
- Map showing location of cameras
- View storage devices connected to the cameras
- View storage usage (free space, total space, used space)
- User list (useranme, email, usergroup)
- Online user list (user account, ip address)
- Connected camera list (camera name, serial number)
- View snapshots of cameras
- Search for specific cameras