- Jetpack Compose + associated integration libraries
- AndroidX Lifecycle
- Accompanist: Coil by Chris Banes
Developed with Android Studio 4.2 Canary 11, most recently tested version is 4.2 Canary 15. You will need 4.2 Canary 15 to build and run the project, you can find it here.
I wanted to implement the app using some form of unidirectional data flow model (as redux was mentioned in the spec). I looked into various third party libraries such as MvRx + Epoxy that seemed like a good fit for that, and also has some traction in the community. I'm largely unfamiliar with those libraries though, and after comparing them to Compose, I realized they were both going for a similar programming model. I eventually decided that Compose was a better fit as it allowed me to model almost the entire app state and navigation flow without having to bridge into traditional android components such as (multiple) activities and fragments. Having tried a Redux-like approach in the past within a traditional app (with fragments and androidX ViewModels), I learned that it was better suited to scoped parts of an application, i.e. each screen would have its own state machine. This was a lot more manageable than having a single state machine for the entire application while trying to model navigation by bridging into traditional android navigation. The architecture is mostly inspired by MVI, though I did deviate slightly from some examples I found.
The AppStateProcessor holds the current state of the app (AppState), including the view state (ViewState, a sealed class hierarchy). The AppState is exposed via a StateFlow
that the UI subscribes to in the onCreate
of the CodeChallengeActivity. The ViewState is able to build itself via an abstract composable build function that is implemented by each subtype of ViewState (inspired by this article). The Views/composables receive a DispatchIntent function which they can use to send different Action.Intent to the AppStateProcessor, depending on the user's action. The AppStateProcessor will reduce the AppState and ViewState to its new state via a call to AppState.reduceWith, it will then emit the new state from it's StateFlow
which is observed as mentioned previously in the onCreate
of the CodeChallengeActivity. The ScreenSurfaceWithViewState will propagate the state down to the ScreensFromState composable which is responsible for showing or hiding each of the screens (EnterCredentialsScreen, AuthenticatingScreen and ProfileScreen) depending on the current ViewState.
Some composables maintain their own state, this was easier in certain cases than modelling the entire state via MVI. State such as deciding when and when not to enable the login button is managed by the EnterCredentialsScreen, plus a few more cases.
The app has 3 main screens: credentials, authenticating and user profile. Upon first run, the user is prompted for their credentials. When both the email and password are non-empty, they can login. They are then presented with the authenticating screen - a simple loading spinner if the phone is able to reach the API. It's worth mentioning here that there are 2 modes (actually app flavours) that the app can be run in, "normal" and "stubbed". Running the "normal" variant will hit an Apiary mock that I've drafted out. Running the app in "stubbed" mode will run when also when the phone does not have internet access, it merely uses some stubbed side effects for responding to certain actions and providing fake data back to the UI - this allowed me to draft out the flow of the app without worrying too much about the API layer. Once the user is logged in they will see their avatar image from Gravatar if they have an image associated with their email address, but only if the apiary mock returns an empty avatar URL. The user is able to select a photo from their gallery, or take a photo with their camera. Once they have done so, they will be given an option to accept or decline the new avatar photo. Declining will simply revert the currently displaying image back to its previous state. Confirming will attempt to upload the new photo - this part does not work properly unfortunately (it was almost there but just ran out of time). Either way, because the apiary mock always returns an empty avatar URL, the URL will not be populated, and thus an error image is displayed instead. if the app is killed and restarted, it will attempt to log back in with the previously saved credentials (stored in encrypted shared preferences), if it fails (e.g. the apiary mock returns a 404), it will not login and instead put the user back to the credentials screen. Currently there are no error messages displayed to the user other than a missing image, but the wiring is there to allow for it. The user is also able to logout, I added this for testing purposes so that I could verify the first run behaviour without wiping the app data. The app also fully supports dark mode if enabled by the user.
- Currently the image uploading mechanism does not work, this needs a bit if work to fix it.
- The data layer of the app could be improved upon by hiding the network calls behind data sources that the repository calls.
- The app is a single module (for simplicity mainly), however in a real world app it may be better to split certain parts/layers out into their own modules to reduce the chances of coupling between layers. I have another repository that attempts to do exactly this, however it results in a lot more boilerplate to get it off the ground. See the diagrams here for an example.
- Most asynchronous tasks are scheduled on the GlobalScope's dispatcher, this means that when the user navigates back from the profile screen to credentials, any ongoing work (say image upload) is not cancelled. This could definitely be improved upon, however the best way forward is not clear in compose. In traditional apps each screen would be its own fragment, with its own ViewModel that keeps work scoped to that screen. This may improve in the future, perhaps with future releases of the navigation component for Compose, this was released shortly after submission otherwise I would have investigated it further.
Please also see the screenshots and apks folder.