Accessible Google Calendar or AGC is an application which helps visually disabled people work with Google Calendar.
Main features:
Friendly interface for keyboard users
Interface to view events for a specified period. Various options are available such as "Today", "This Month", "Custom Period" and many others.
Functionality to create, update and delete single or recurrence events as well as mark them as confirmed or tentative
Functionality to add quick events using customized templates
Functionality to customize how events data is displayed
Functionality of looking at another callendar and comparing two or more calendars
Installation and First run:
Download latest release MSI from here
Run MSI and follow the instructions in the installation wizard
Finish installation and close the installation wizard
To run application press Windows Key, type "AGC" and press return
On first run application will open web browser and ask for permission to change your Calendar data. If you are not logged into your Google account you'll first need to do this in your browser. AGC uses OAuth2 authentication, so your password is not stored anywhere locally.
AGC is ready to use.