Pet Care is a web application project made for the needs of CS-359, 2023-2024 at the Computer Science department, University of Crete.
It is a web app which aims to let people (pet owners) leave their pets to accredited pet keepers to take care of them.
The project description can be found in the ΗΥ-359_Project_2023_2024.docx (in greek).
- ChatGPT API use for the pet keepers so that they can get help about particular pets.
- Review system : pet owners can leave reviews about pet keepers (only if there exists a finished booking).
- Messages : pet owners can message pet keepers and vice-versa (not implemented).
- Bookings system : pet owners can make bookings and pet keepers can accept,decline and see the bookings.
- Lots more!
- Donwload XAMPP and start Apache, MySQL and Tomcat.
- Open folder in Netbeans or other IDE.
- Compile project and run.
This project was made in collaboration with Georgia Tsanta.
Sections made by Georgia Tsanta:
- Pet Owner
- Guest user
Sections made by me:
- Administrator
- Pet Keeper
The project was made for the needs of CS-359 and our lecturer Dr. Michalis Mounantonakis.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.