Admin can add, update and delete events, while other users can view events in the calendar.
This project is a simple implementation of react-big-calendar
It requires Node.js, npm, and MongoDB database to be installed in your computer.
Assuming all of the above is already installed, after cloning this repository:
- Open a terminal, run
npm install
in the root directory. - Then migrate to views directory, and run
npm install
here as well. - Then, in root directory, create a file named .env
- In this file, add an environmental variable
should contain your MongoDB database connection URL. An example would beMONGODB_URI = mongodb://
.- Then in root directory run
nodemon index.js
. - If all goes well, the following output should be displayed in terminal:
[nodemon] 2.0.6
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node index.js`
Server started on port 8080
MongoDB Connected:
- Then, leaving that terminal running, open another terminal and migrate to views directory.
- In views directory, run
npm start
. - A new tab will be opened in your browser, with http://localhost:3000 as URL.
- Click on the link shown in the website displayed to register as a new user.
- To register as administrator, type Admin as username. Only one Admin can exist for this website. All other users have a username which is not Admin.
Normal users can view events in the calendar. Day or Week view will show timings for events.
Admin can click on a slot in the calendar, a pop-up will be opened to add an event name, and a new all-day event will be created. In Day or Week view, a drag your mouse over a few slots to select a time slot. A pop-up will appear, and you can add a new event for that time slot. Click on any existing event, a pop-up to edit the name or delete the event will appear. All changes will be reflected in the database.