Build terraform module for a Three-Tier application on AWS:
- VPC 6 subnets 3 private 3 public Public subnets should have IGW attached to it. Private subnets should have NG attached to it. Configure route tables properly. Once private and public subnet created, please create ec2 instance (manually) on public subnet and ping If everything is successful, you should have proper response. Delete the instance after verification. Release the module on terraform registry.
Step2 On top of VPC from previous step, please create ASG with a launch template. ASG should use minimum 1 and maximum 99 instances. Your wordpress should consume credentials as n environment variable This ASG should create its own ALB that is accessible from the internet. Also, DNS of the ALB should be properly configured on hosted zone and should be available at
Step3 Create RDS Cluster that has 3 readers and 1 writer. And those rds endpoints should be available on