Combined Python/Linux scritp for conformational analysis of a xyz file containing multiple structures, based on RMSD and additional geometrical constrains.
Available for Jupyter Notebooks.
- Get your .xyz file with multiple structures. Make sure the .xyz file saved the geometries in the proper format, including atom number and energy. This is crucial for line counting and slicing the document.
- Stablish the desired RMSD threshold (by default 1 Å is choosen) and the particular geometrical constrains
- Run the script. It will create the required new folders (conformers and final_conformers)
- Once finishing, you will obtain the .xyz files for every "unique" conformer in the file.
- Python
- Linux
ChemConf-Analysis is freely available under an MIT license
If you use any ChemConf-Analysis, please include this citation: Álvarez-Constantino, A. M. (2024). ChemConf-Analysis (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software].
Additionally, please include the corresponding references for the following programs:
- Chemcoord: paper and documentation
- Pandas: documentation and Zenodo repository link
- Numpy: paper and documentation
References and examples will be added soon...