Infineon TPM firmware updater for Linux with Google patches
Main archive:
sudo apt get install libssl1.0-dev autoconf automake libtool build-essential
cd TPMFactoryUpd
$ ./TPMFactoryUpd
* Infineon Technologies AG TPMFactoryUpd Ver 01.01.2459.00 *
Call: TPMFactoryUpd [parameter] [parameter] ...
-? or -help
Displays a short help page for the operation of TPMFactoryUpd (this screen).
Cannot be used with any other parameter.
Displays TPM information related to TPM Firmware Update.
Cannot be used with -update, -firmware, -config or -tpm12-clearownership parameter.
-update <update-type>
Updates a TPM with <update-type>.
Possible values for <update-type> are:
tpm12-PP - TPM1.2 with Physical Presence or Deferred Physical Presence.
tpm12-takeownership - TPM1.2 with TPM Ownership taken by TPMFactoryUpd.
tpm20-emptyplatformauth - TPM2.0 with platformAuth set to Empty Buffer.
config-file - Updates either a TPM1.2 or TPM2.0 to the firmware version
configured in the configuration file. Requires the -config parameter.
Cannot be used with -info or -tpm12-clearownership parameter.
-firmware <firmware-file>
Specifies the path to the firmware image to be used for TPM Firmware Update.
Required if -update parameter is given with values tpm*.
Cannot be used with -info, -config or -tpm12-clearownership parameter.
-config <config-file>
Specifies the path to the configuration file to be used for TPM Firmware Update.
Required if -update parameter is given with value config-file.
Cannot be used with -info, -firmware or -tpm12-clearownership parameter.
-log [<log-file>]
Optional parameter. Activates logging for TPMFactoryUpd to the log file
specified by <log-file>. Default value .\TPMFactoryUpd.log is used if
<log-file> is not given.
Note: total path and file name length must not exceed 260 characters
Clears the TPM Ownership taken by TPMFactoryUpd.
Cannot be used with -info, -update, -firmware or -config parameter.
-access-mode <mode> <path>
Optional parameter. Sets the mode the tool should use to connect to
the TPM device.
Possible values for <mode> are:
1 - Memory based access (default value, only supported on x86 based systems
with PCH TPM support)
3 - Linux TPM driver. The <path> option can be set to define a device path
(default value: /dev/tpm0)
Optional parameter. Do everything except actually updating the image.
Optional parameter. Ignores TPM_FAIL errors from FieldUpgradeComplete.