This project is part of the calendly-backend and you will have to update the configurations for Amplify
to work.
Go to the CloudFormation stack of the deployed calendly-backend and collect the following values.
const region = '';
const cognitoDomainName = ''
const cognitoPoolId = "";
const cognitoWebClientId = '';
const cloudfrontUrl = "";
const graphQlEndpoint = '';
const apiGatewayEndpoint = "";
Go to the src/app.js and update the above variables.
The setup is using Webpack for building the front-end assets.
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm run s3-sync <S3 bucket URI>
If you need to remove the calendly-backend
you will have to clean up the S3 Bucket first.
npm run s3-clean <S3 bucket URI>