Helps to implement subscriptions for Mapa
install node []
install npm []
install ts-node [] npm i typescript -S
download archive
unzip and go to /mapa-subscription folder
then run
npm install
update initTransportSMTP with smtp server settings or gmail credentials:
- Change lines 24-25 in file src/core/utils/email.util.ts to your email credentials according to the following example:
auth: { user: '[email protected]', pass: 'yourMailPassword' }
- To use your gmail account, turn on less secure apps in your account (
install curl/postman (to make requests)
npm start (starts development server)
npm start-prod (starts prod server)
curl -d '{"email":"[email protected]", "type":"I", "last_date": "1565122640", "subs_params":{"id":"123"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3001/api/subscription
curl -d '{"hashId":"fe24b489f8862f8ba21f17539271c2f16a7062cd"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE http://localhost:3001/api/subscription
Before starting the mailer, be sure to add a few lines of data to the database, either manually or through the queries above.
npx ts-node src/mailer.ts
or (convert to js and run)
npm i -g typescript
ts-node src/mailer.ts
If mailer is not running then try setting in the command line set NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0
and rerun the program
- update and configure email template - raw data is send (src/core/utils/mailer.util.ts)
- update initTransportSMTP with smtp server settings - gmail is used (src/core/utils/email.util.ts)