Following are steps to be followed to compile and run the final project
Step 1: Navigate into the build folder present in the main directory
Step 2: Run the following command on command prompt
javac -cp OOP_JavaProject.jar
To open CitizenRegistrationPortal, run the following command
java -cp OOP_JavaProject.jar PreElection OpenCitizenRegistrationPortal
To open AadharCardGenerator, run the following command
java -cp OOP_JavaProject.jar PreElection OpenAadharGenerator
To release CandidateLists, run the following command
java -cp OOP_JavaProject.jar PreElection releaseCandidateLists
To open VoterRegistrationPortal, run the following command
java -cp OOP_JavaProject.jar PreElection OpenVoterRegistrationPortal
To open CandidateAdditionPortal, run the following command
java -cp OOP_JavaProject.jar PreElection OpenCandidateAdditionPortal
To run ElectionAndResult, run the following command:
java -cp OOP_JavaProject.jar ElectionAndResult
The key to terminate election is 144. The same can be changed by manipulating the while condition in