---------- Fast MPU6050 libarary V1.0 ----------
Pitch & Roll Output.
with Kalman Filter
By B1TwIs3 0p3r4ToR - no(C)2023
With thanks to : https://github.com/CarbonAeronautics for inspiration. Tested on Arduino Pro mini, ESP32, Not working on ESP32-S3.
Notes: Todo: - Add quarternations and other calculations - Add all possible hardware configs from datasheet.
float getPitchAngle(void);
float getRollAngle(void);
float getKalmanPitchAngle(void); // Kalman filtered PitchAngle
float getKalmanRollAngle(void); // Kalman Filtered RollAngle
float getGyroX(void);
float getGyroY(void);
float getGyroZ(void);
float getRawGyroX(void);
float getRawGyroY(void);
float getRawGyroZ(void);
float getAccX(void);
float getAccY(void);
float getAccZ(void);
float getRawAccX(void);
float getRawAccY(void);
float getRawAccZ(void);
float getTemperature(void);
void enableSerialOutput(bool serOut);