Dataset link to Google Drive:
Pretrained model link to Google Drive:
The past years automation process of various tasks using Deep Learning techniques was proved to be successful, in this paper this approach was used to create an image segmentation model for monitoring the deforestation process, and efficiently prevent illegal deforestation. As a model architecture, the U-Net architecture was taken. For such a specific task the dataset was created which contains 322 images and corresponding masks of a forest, deforestation areas, and areas that are none of the above. All materials about this research will be hosted online to have an opportunity to recreate the results of this paper and improve them.
Deep learning, convolutional neural network, TensorFlow, TPU, image segmentation, U-Net, deforestation.
- Laurence Moroney guide for distributed training:
- U-Net: Convolutional Networks for BiomedicalImage Segmentation:
- AnatomyNet: Deep Learning for Fast and Fully Automated Whole-volumeSegmentation of Head and Neck Anatomy:
- Tfrecords tutorial:
- Chest X-Ray Analysis of Tuberculosis by Deep Learning with Segmentation and Augmentation:
To display images saved in Dataset/deforestation_dataset.tar.gz you should extract tfrecords files from it and run next code example with tfrecord specifications.
Example of code to load an image from the tfrecord file:
def get_example(dataset_path, image_num):
dataset_path : path to tfrecord file;
image_num : idx of the image you want to display
raw_image_dataset =
# Create a dictionary describing the features.
image_feature_description = {
"image":[], tf.string),
"mask":[], tf.string),
def _parse_image_function(example_proto):
# Parse the input tf.train.Example proto using the dictionary above.
return, image_feature_description)
parsed_image_dataset =
for image_features in parsed_image_dataset:
if image_num != 0:
image_raw = image_features['image'].numpy()
mask_raw = image_features['mask'].numpy()
image_num -= 1
image = tf.image.decode_png(image_raw, channels=3)
image = tf.image.resize(image, [512, 512])
image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) / 255.0 # convert image to floats in [0, 1] range
mask =, out_type="float")
mask = tf.reshape(mask, [512, 512, 3])
mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32)
return image, mask
Right now only available copy of the dataset is stored on Google Drive:
In format of images/image001.png
and masks/mask001.png
. There you could also find some additional miscellaneous material.