Authors: Brian Luczak, Ben James, and Hani Girgis The Bioinformatics Toolsmith Laboratory, the University of Tulsa, OK, USA
- This Alignment-Free Benchmarking Tool is designed to run on Mac and Linux systems.
- GNU g++ 7.1 or higher
- MATLAB with Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox R2017a or higher
- Perl
- BioPerl
After downloading and unzipping the Benchmark directory, there are 2 primary folders: Cpp (C++ code), and MATLAB.
- The C++ code is used for creating the k-mer histograms for the sequences and align them using the Needleman-Wunsch alignment algorithm.
- The MATLAB code is to load the alignment/histograms files and evaluate the statistics.
- There are 3 Perl scripts.
git clone
cd Alignment-Free-Kmer-Statistics
cd Cpp/Align
CXX=g++-7 make
or justmake
if GNU g++ is the default compilercd ../Hist
CXX=g++-7 make
or justmake
if GNU g++ is the default compiler
- Next, after obtaining a chosen selection of sequences in the FASTA format, the Perl script
will allow you to evaluate the same experiments on any selection of data. - Example: ~/user/myFASTASeqfolder ~/user/Results
- Notes:
- MATLAB should be a searchable application within the system, i.e. it can be executed from any directory without the full path.
- The output directory (second command line argument) will be deleted if it already exists and a new one will be created.
- Steps of the Process:
- Each of the sequences is aligned pairwise with every other sequence (no repetitions)
- This establishes the benchmark for comparison
- Due to the relative inefficiency of alignment, this can take quite a bit of time depending on the number of sequences and their length
- The program will output the progress in .2% intervals
- K-mer histograms are generated for k=1 through k=10, this will cover any sequences with lengths less than or equal to one million base pairs
- MATLAB is opened and the EVALUATE function is called
- This method procedurally picks an appropriate k-value based on the average sequence length
- The files are converted into matrices using dlmread, delimiter is
, this delimiter should prevent any collisions with sequence names in the FASTA format - Warning: only1 million sequence comparisons are allowed
- The REVIEW_PAPER function is called
- Three primary experiments from the paper are run on the histogram and alignment data
- The K Nearest Neighbor Experiment is repeated with mer-size minus 1 and minus 2 (as long as the initial kmer-size is big enough)
- Three primary experiments from the paper are run on the histogram and alignment data
- The results can be found in the designated output directory provided by the user
-There are 3 folders provided in the results:
- Align: contains the file with the alignment identity scores for the sequences provided
- Hist: contains the histogram files, k-mer size 1 through 10 are provided
- Matlab_EVAL: contains the complete MATLAB evaluation with figures
- exp1 is the Sensitivity/Specificity experiment, it contains pdf versions of the figures as well as the Distribution of Alignment Identity score values by 5% bins
- exp2 is the Linear Correlation experiment, the text files will allow you to see the specific R^2 values, Fig holds all the figures of the top performing statistics, the first number is the threshold percentage, 1-5 are the rankings
- exp3 is the K Nearest Neighbor experiment
- exp1 is the Sensitivity/Specificity experiment, it contains pdf versions of the figures as well as the Distribution of Alignment Identity score values by 5% bins
- Each of the sequences is aligned pairwise with every other sequence (no repetitions)
- Replicating the Review Paper Results
- After opening the MATLAB code with your MATLAB (R2017a), simply run the following script in the command window:
> Review_Paper_Results('output_dir')
- Here,
is the path to the output directory where the Results will be created.
-This will load the data from the workspace
and run each of the experiments with the same parameters used in the paper. - After opening the MATLAB code with your MATLAB (R2017a), simply run the following script in the command window:
- MATLAB Conventions
is the driver MATLAB Function
is the primary MATLAB function that runs each of the experiments from the review paper
-All alignment identity score matrices have the numbers for the sequences being compared in cols 2 and 3.
-Example: see
91.8976 2 4
in an Alignment matrix means that sequences 2 and 4 (rows 2 and 4) in the histogram matrix have an id score of 89.76%