This project allows to manage tour membership to B&S. It also gives you access to the association services using a secure SBT based authentication mechanism, and rights to participate at the association.
The project contains the following main folders:
front (Front UI)
+-- public (static files)
+-- src (React sources)
hardhat (Smart Contract)
+-- contracts (Solidity source file of the smart contract)
+-- deploy (Deployment script)
+-- test (Unit tests)
+-- coverage (Coverage of tests reports - created dynamically when running coverage)
To run the tests, you'll need to execute the following commands to install the required dependencies:
$ git clone
$ yarn install
Then copy the .env.dist file as .env:
cp .env.dist .env
Edit the .env file and set your mnemonic, infura id and alchemy id:
cd hardhat
yarn build
cd hardhat
yarn documentation
cd hardhat
yarn test
cd hardhat
yarn coverage
cd hardhat
yarn deploy:dev
cd hardhat
yarn deploy:goerli
cd hardhat
yarn deploy:sepolia
cd hardhat
yarn deploy:mumbai
You can start a local JSON-RPC node to be able to interact with HardHat network using a JSON-RPC client like a wallet.
yarn dev
When using MetaMask, you should prefer to start Ganache (
The front app allows you to easily interact with voting contract and manage a complete vote.
To build the front app, use the following commands:
cd client
yarn build
You can start it using these commands:
cd client
yarn start