This repository contains the source code of Global Image Registry, a decentralised solution to preserve image copyright ownership with functionalities for ownership transfer and license.
Install dependencies
cd client
npm install
Start frontend server
cd client
npm start
cd truffle
Compile: truffle compile
Migrate: truffle migrate
Test contracts: truffle test
This article goes through the ganache metamask setup:
The truffle configuration file current deploys the contracts to Ganache running on on port 7545
- Add a new network on metamask: RPC url will be whatever you are running on Ganche, default is:, chainId is 1337 for Ganache
- Once connected to Ganache, import some accounts to metamask using the private keys in Ganache
To connect a deployed contract:
Get the contract address from the truffle migrate output and paste it into the App.js file on line 16~ for the variable contractAddr.
To interact with smart contracts through the frontend after making a change to the smart contracts, generally you will need to run:
truffle migrate --reset
This clears the previous contract deployment and will deploy it to another address.