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Feel peace and harmony with yourself
Make effortless decisions instead of thinking in for hours about which one to pick
Learn to make choices that feel in alignment with who you REALLY are instead of what is convenient
Find the people that change your life and connect on a deeper level
Stop feeling disconnected
Get rid of energy vampires
- Find 3 people that you admire and describe them - What value do they have?
- Find 3 people that are irritating you - What is the opposite value they are showing you?
Values come after life happening As I'm more me, I'm more aware of what I like and dislike, what I admire Only from that I know what my values are.
Because they make me feel in allignment with myself
Not making decisions according to my values, is not being me (integrity) I lose faith in myself I feel lost - hopeless
There is no meaning to life
Values help you control the stream of life
Avoid depression (you don't know who you are - a reason to be alive) What is my contribution? You don't know why
What is the action You will be taking? What the hell am I doing?
If you don't follow a small breadcrumb of your own
Following your intuition
Values can completely change your life - imagine a life where you would be completely dedicated to.