Branch iOS SDK 0.35.0
August 24, 2020
With iOS 14, IDFA is only available if the app requests permission from the end user via the AppTrackingTransparency framework.
The Branch SDK will not ask for it.
AdSupport is no longer included by default with Cocoapods. This fixes an app submission issue for apps that cannot contain IDFA.
Minimum version increased to 9.0. This is the minimum supported by Xcode 12.
iOS 14 introduces an API that conflicts with a Branch API. Refactor BranchCSSearchableItemAttributeSet init.
Build dynamic, static and tvOS frameworks. Previously we only built the dynamic framework for Carthage.
These prebuilt frameworks can be found in 'carthage-files/output/'
Add nullability to BranchCSSearchableItemAttributeSet
Add support for Swift Package Manager
Add optional SKAdNetwork support
If configured on the Branch Dashboard, the SDK can call SKAdNetwork on installs, opens and events.
Known issues:
Framework import warnings in Xcode 12. We need to refactor our unit test host app.
SPM does not support tvOS. We need to refactor some classes.
SPM download size is large due to release binaries in the git history.