Live API Docs
All the dependencies can be found in the pom.xml which are:
- spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb (Database)
- spring-boot-starter-web (Server)
- spring-boot-starter-mail (Emails)
- springdoc-openapi-ui (Documentation)
- spring-boot-starter-test (Testing)
- lombok (Boilerplate code)
http request -> controller -> service -> repository -> return to parent callers -> http response
- Take a pull from the main branch by cloning the repo in your local system
- Make sure you've got mvn installed with version 3.5+ with
mvn -version
- Make a JAR by
mvn clean install
command to be used for deploying or testing - Use
to skip the tests while running any mvn command to reduce package time
- Download the jar from the releases
- Make sure you have java installed with version 8 (preferable) - check version
java -version
- Run the
java -jar first_release_1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
command where you have kept the JAR (assuming you are in home location and have not changed the JAR name) - Open the link http://localhost:8080/ and the API docs should open up where you can try out the APIs
- If there is already some process running on port 8080, you can switch it by command
java -jar first_release_1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8091
to start the same JAR on 8091 instead of default 8080 port