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Permissions Explained

Rubikscraft edited this page Sep 6, 2022 · 2 revisions

Image permissions


Allows the user to view any image, as long as they have the id.


Allows the user to upload their own image to the platform


If the user has this permission, the backend will return a deletekey upon uploading an image. This key can later be used to delete that specific image, without having need for any other authentication.


Allows the user to list, view and delete their own images, this is a different delete permission than the DeleteKey.

User Permissions


This permission is most often granted to the guest user, it allows anyone to login with their own credentials

Stay logged in

When this permission is granted, the user can keep on refreshing their token as long as they have a valid one. This is mainly necessary to make sure the guest user cannot create their own token.


When a user has this permission, he is able to register new users. Most often granted to the guest user.

Settings Permissions


The settings permission allows the user to modify their own settings, and also view the settings panel in the UI.


This permission allows to user to create long lasting api keys, to easily use the backend from other services.

Admin Permissions


Allows the user to view all images in the system, and delete them.


Allows the user to create, modify, list and delete all other users on the system.


Allows the user to create, modify, list and delete most roles on the system.


Allows the user to list, modify and delete all api keys on the system.


Allows the user to modify critical system settings.