VeriFFI is a verified Foreign Function Interface (FFI) for Coq (Gallina) programs that call, and are called by, C programs. The operational connection is by compiling Gallina programs through C using the CertiCoq compiler. The specification/verification connection is by using the Verified Software Toolchain (Verifiable C) to specify library functions written in C that are callable by CertiCoq-compiled programs, and vice versa. The goal is to have a fully foundational soundness proof for this connection. This is still a work in progress.
Journal Article:
- A Verified Foreign Function Interface between Coq and C, by Joomy Korkut, Kathrin Stark, and Andrew W. Appel, Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 9, POPL, Article 24 (January 2025), 31 pages.
PhD Thesis:
- Foreign Function Verification Through Metaprogramming, by Joomy Korkut, PhD Thesis, Princeton University, October 2024.