This repository contains a custom tokenizer and interpreter based on BNF grammar. The interpreter is written in Java, and it supports a simple programming language called Core. The language allows users to declare variables, perform basic arithmetic operations, and implement conditional statements and loops.
JDK 17.0 or higher Compilation To compile the code, follow these steps:
Navigate to the "src" directory using the command line. Run the following commands:
javac org/yann/coretokenizor/*.java
java org/yann/coretokenizor/CoreInterpreter input.txt data.txt
To test the output, you can change the content of the "input.txt" file under the "src" directory.
int N, I, SUM;
read N;
SUM = 0;
I = 1;
while (I <= N) loop
SUM = SUM + I;
I = I + 1;
write SUM;
write N;
write I;
<prog> ::= program <decl seq> begin <stmt seq> end
<decl seq> ::= <decl> | <decl> <decl seq>
<stmt seq> ::= <stmt> | <stmt> <stmt seq>
<decl> ::= int <id list>;
<id list> ::= <id> | <id>, <id list>
<stmt> ::= <assign>|<if>|<loop>|<in>|<out>
<assign> ::= <id> = <exp>;
<if> ::= if <cond> then <stmt seq> end;
| if <cond> then <stmt seq> else <stmt seq> end;
<loop> ::= while <cond> loop <stmt seq> end;
<in> ::= read <id list>;
<out> ::= write <id list>;
<cond> ::= <comp>|!<cond>
| [<cond> && <cond>] | [<cond> || <cond>]
<comp> ::= (<op> <comp op> <op>)
<exp> ::= <fac>|<fac>+<exp>|<fac>-<exp>
<fac> ::= <op> | <op> * <fac>
<op> ::= <int> | <id> | (<exp>)
<comp op> ::= != | == | < | > | <= | >=
<id> ::= ... as defined by RE ...
<int> ::= ... as defined by RE (only unsigned numbers)
- 11 reserved words: program, begin, end, int, if, then, else, while, loop, read, write
- 19 special symbols: ; , = ! [ ] && || ( ) + - * != == < > <= >=
- Integers (unsigned)
- Identifiers: start with an uppercase letter, followed by zero or more uppercase letters and zero or more digits. Note that "ABCend" is illegal as an id because of the lowercase letters; and it is not two tokens because of the lack of whitespace. However, ABC123 and A1B2C3 are both legal.
- White space requirement: White space, i.e., one or more blanks or tab characters or carriage returns, is required between any pair of tokens unless one or both of them is/are special symbols. If one or both of them is/are special symbols, white space is optional. Note that white space is not a token.
To run the Core Interpreter with your own input file, follow these steps:
- Create an input file (e.g., input.txt) containing your Core program.
- Place the input file in the "src" directory.
- Run the following commands in the "src" directory:
- The interpreter will process the input file and generate the output file (e.g., output.txt) in the same directory.
javac org/yann/coretokenizor/*.java
java org/yann/coretokenizor/CoreInterpreter input.txt output.txt
Here are some more examples of Core programs:
int N, I, FACT;
read N;
FACT = 1;
I = 1;
while (I <= N) loop
I = I + 1;
write FACT;
int A, B, TEMP;
read A;
read B;
while (B != 0) loop
B = A % B;
write A;
This project was inspired by the BNF grammar provided and the desire to create a custom tokenizer and interpreter for educational purposes. We hope that this project helps others understand the fundamentals of compilers and interpreters.