Downpour is a very bare-bones BitTorrent client, built as an excuse to get to grips with everyone's favourite distributed file sharing protocol. It currently contains enough functionality to complete downloading a torrent.
git clone
cd downpour
$ cargo run -- --help
downpour 0.1.0
A toy BitTorrent client written in Rust
<METAINFO_FILE> Path to the metainfo of the torrent to be downloaded
<DOWNLOAD_DIR> The output directory for the downloaded torrent
-a, --active-peers <ACTIVE_PEERS>
The maximum number of active connections with peers held open simultaneously [default: 8]
-h, --help
Print help information
-p, --port <PORT>
Port reported to trackers as our incoming traffic port. Not currently used [default: 6881]
-t, --timeout <TIMEOUT>
Timeout (in seconds) for network-related operations [default: 2]
-u, --peer-update-interval <PEER_UPDATE_INTERVAL>
The interval (in seconds) at which new active peers are selected to fill any vacancies
[default: 5]
-V, --version
Print version information
- Check the SHA-1 hash of pieces we receive to ensure the torrent's integrity
- Respond to requests for pieces from other peers
- Reannounce ourselves to trackers periodically & refresh the peer list