Badger is a simplest HTTP service that provides few features:
- You can store status of your application
- You can get last provided application status as badge
- You can get list of badges for project
- You can get json list of badge datas for project
That's it!
To store status you need to make post request to /badges/project-name/subject-name
with body json payload
"color": "red",
"status": "any text",
"subject": "subject"
- color must be one of brightgreen green yellowgreen yellow orange red lightgrey blue or hex format abcdef
- status will be shown at right side of badge
- subject will be shown at left side of badge
Badger stores only one status per project/subject. Badger stores all statuses in-memory.
curl -X POST -d '{"color":"red","status":"80","subject":"subject"}' http://localhost:8080/badges/project/subject
To get actual badge for project/subject you need to make GET request to /badges/project/subject
, then badger will redirect you to badge.
curl http://localhost:8080/badges/project/subject
To look at status page just navigate to /badges/project
To get actual list of badges for project you need to make GET request to /badges/project/json
. Yep, you can't make subject with name json
, it's reserved for json api. Sorry.
curl http://localhost:8080/badges/project/json
Docker image is published at Docker Hub as msosnov/badger. Application is running on 8080 port
To build: GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build -o badger *.go
To docker:
- Build
docker build -t msosnov/badger .
- Run
docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm msosnov/badger
It was big JavaScript first project before. It was a really hype train:
- lerna mono-repo (about 30-40 packages I think)
- flow types
- tests
- own npm namespace
- Vuejs
- WebComponents
It was made as flexible solution, but it did not. Also there are some overengineering solutins such as:
- Composable, configurable and autoresolable badge creators
- Abstract store with few implementations (in-memory store, mysql store, nedb store)
- Badges history per project/subject
But in real life I don't need nothing of it. All I need is to show actual repository state at So all features I need is to get last actual state of repository as bagde. New badger do that and only that.