🚀 There are a lot of websites which offers downloading video from YouTube but none of them allows to
Download in Resolution of your own choice.
So I decided to write my own script for this purpose.
I found that their are two python libraries to support the cause, I found *pytube* to be more easy and appealing.
But YouTube doesn't give you what you want staright away.
Next *Problem* I had was to merge the video and audio of your own choice and *Challenge* was to keep it simple to use for others sake.
In Windows CMD: py -m pip install pytube
In Linux terminal: sudo pip install pytube
In Windows CMD: py -m pip install pyfiglet
In Linux terminal: sudo pip install pyfiglet
Download it from their website. Add it's bin to environment
🐫 That's it. ✨
Download it from their website. Add it's bin to environment
- Add Playlist Download Support.