This is a simple web-based game that lets players guess whether a sentence is Elvish (Sindarin) or Welsh.
When JRR tolkien created Elvish he based it heavily on Welsh, and other Celtic languages source. Meaning that Elvish and Welsh can look quite similar, especially to those unfamiliar with either language.
- Visit the game website:
- Read the displayed sentence.
- Click on the "Elvish" or "Welsh" button to make your guess.
- Your score will be updated based on your correct guesses.
- JavaScript
- ChatGPT 👀️
- Google Analytics (tracks only page views and no user info)
- index.html: The HTML file that defines the structure of the game website, including the game container, buttons, and text elements.
- style.css: The CSS file responsible for styling the game website, including the layout, colors, and fonts used in the game interface.
- app.js: The main JavaScript file that initializes the game, and ui objects.
- game.js: Defines class that handles core game functionality.
- ui.js: Class that handles UI updates.
- sentences.js: Contains the sentences data in JSON format, which is read and served to the game through the SentenceManger class.
If you'd like to contribute to the project, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub. I welcome any suggestions or improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
David Saunders - GitHub