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#Install kitty term and make it default #Install zsh and ohmyzsh and make it default #Download any Nerd font ( let's say Jetbrains NerdFonts) # install neovim and tmux # Install LazyNvim (https://lazyvim-ambitious-devs.phillips.codes/course/chapter-1/) # Install yazi and dependencies (https://yazi-rs.github.io/docs/installation/) # Install dependencies sudo apt intall rofi polybar xss-lock i3 main tmux imagemagick xrandr arandr autorandr jq wireguard resolvconf fd-find xfce4-terminal #install i3lock-color AND DEPENDENCIES ( check site below) https://github.com/Raymo111/i3lock-color/tree/master #Install xidlehook and betterlockscreen, then generate black wallpaper (Better connect all external monitors before this operation) betterlockscreen -u ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/lock_screen.png #Just black image for matrix #Install cmatrix https://github.com/abishekvashok/cmatrix #Make symlynks for dotfiles ln -s ~/$USER/dotfiles/i3/ ~/.config/i3 ln -s ~/$USER/dotfiles/nvim ~/.config/nvim ln -s ~/$USER/dotfiles/polybar/ ~/.config/polybar ln -s ~/$USER/dotfiles/rofi ~/.config/rofi ln -s ~/$USER/dotfiles/.tmux ~/.config/tmux ln -s ~/$USER/dotfiles/.tmux.conf ~/.config/.tmux.conf ln -s ~/$USER/dotfiles/kitty ~/.config/kitty ln -s ~/$USER/dotfiles/picom ~/.config/picom #in ~/$USER/dotfiles/polybar/config.ini adjust battery and adapter name on yours. # Check ls /sys/class/power_supply/ for their names # Also in this file change name of interfaces ( check output ' ip -br a s ' ) # # #Allow to adjut brightness without sudo sudo visudo username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/brightnessctl sudo usermod -a -G video ${USER} # Allow WG to Up personal vpn only on 5 workspace and Down it on any other Workspace. # Add your sudo password to ~/.password file # # Add this to your ~/.gitconfig [diff] tool = vimdiff [merge] tool = vimdiff conflictstyle = zdiff3 [mergetool "vimdiff"] cmd = nvim -d $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE $MERGED \ -c '$wincmd w' -c 'wincmd J' ================================== Add this file /etc/systemd/system/i3lock.service [Unit] Description=i3lock on suspend Before=sleep.target [Service] User=user Type=forking Environment=DISPLAY=:0 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/betterlockscreen -l --show-layout [Install] WantedBy=sleep.target Config Multiple Monitors in i3 ================================== Adjust your monitors https://jaketrent.com/post/config-multiple-monitors-i3/ # Bind caps-lock as Escape setxkbmap -option caps:escape Add this lines to your .zsrhc # ZNAP STUFF [[ -r ~/Repos/znap/znap.zsh ]] || git clone --depth 1 -- https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-snap.git ~/Repos/znap source ~/Repos/znap/znap.zsh znap prompt sindresorhus/pure # `znap source` starts plugins. znap source marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete znap source zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions # `znap eval` makes evaluating generated command output up to 10 times faster. znap eval iterm2 'curl -fsSL https://iterm2.com/shell_integration/zsh' # `znap function` lets you lazy-load features you don't always need. znap function _pyenv pyenv "znap eval pyenv 'pyenv init - --no-rehash'" compctl -K _pyenv pyenv # `znap install` adds new commands and completions. znap install aureliojargas/clitest zsh-users/zsh-completions export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.config/nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="fd --type f" export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--preview 'batcat --color=always {}'"
My dotfiles for terminal apps
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