This repository contains the solution for Superformula Cloud Backend Test. It is a GraphQL API that retrieves coordinates for a given address. The solution has been designed to comply with the requirements of extensible code and architecture, followed by Logging and traceability as well as solid testing.
- Single responsibility principle:
- Controllers and services only handle one use case
- Open closed principle:
- By using the decorator pattern (LogController) we can add functionality to a controller without modifying it.
- Interface segregation principle:
- Every controller, service and repository implement in full their interfaces
- Dependency Inversion principle:
- Controller’s dependencies and service’s dependencies are abstractions (interfaces) rather than implementations. Concrete implementation of a third-party library or a http client depends on the abstractions created and not the other way around (the dependency is inverted)
- Factory
- Decorator
- Adapter
- Dependency Injection
- Composition root
- Clean architecture
- Conventional Commits
- Continuous integration
- Object Oriented Design
- Error handling
- Unit test
- Integration test
- Coverage test
- Extensible code
- Logging and traceability
- Operational errors: predictable run-time errors of correctly written programs that may happen at some point
- Programming errors: bugs developers introduce to the code.
Errors are handled differently in development and production environments for best utility purposes.
Error in development environment with stack trace
Error in production environment with customized message for the user
- Typescript
- Serverles Framework
- API Gateway + AWS Lambda
- GraphQL
Before testing make sure to:
- create a file in the root of the project called: jest-env-vars.js, and add the following content:
process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN='you mapbox api access token in quotes'
This will ensure that integration tests can run properly
To run the tests you can choose from the following commands:
npm run test:unit
This will run all unit tests
npm run test:integration
This will run all integration tests
npm run test:ci
This will run a coverage test
The solution is structured in the following directories
├── src # Source files of the solution
├── data # Handles all business logic of the solution
├── domain # Defines business logic protocols, models, and errors
├── infrastructure # Implements third-party libraries, http clients, access db
├── main # Performs composition root by creating a dependency graph
└── presentation # Handles incoming requests
ACCESS_TOKEN # stores mapbox api access token
NODE_ENV # stores the application environemnt (development | production)
To build the solution run the following command:
npm run build
This will create a build folder optimized for production
To run the solution, you can choose from these two options:
npm run start:prod
This will run the project simulating production environment
npm run start:dev
This will run the project in development mode
Before deployment make sure to:
Have a mapbox api access token
Have configured AWS credentials locally with AWS CLI: (
Install the serverless framework globally: npm install -g serverless (
Have in an .env file your environment variables
To deploy the application run the following command:
npm run deploy
This will build the project first, and then it will use the serverless framework to translate the serverless.yml file to a single CloudFormation template which is then shipped to AWS.