- Scss (css precompilation)
- Browserify to wrap node-style ->
e.g. bower components - Jshint for JS validation
- Watches and serves all files on change
- BrowserSync for browser testing and live load
- Additionally install to a distribution path
- Uglify,minify and optimize html,css,js and images
- Get the repository:
git clone https://github.com/DrPity/theStartpunkt
- Install dependencies:
cd theStartpunkt && npm install && bower install
- Build & serve (default-task):
- Build, deploy, optimize (install-task):
gulp install --env=production --path=/some/path/to/your/desired/folder
default path is./dist/
- Vues.js as MVVM so two way data binding with directives etc. (Good stuff)
- Dependencies as a combination of npm and bower