This release includes (finally!) a Python implementation of our redGEM[1] and lumpGEM[2] papers for systematic genome-scale metabolic model reduction.
The code is still in development, so any feedback is welcome :)
This version also features:
- Fixed variables/constraint removal
- Faster relaxation
- Repaired autodocumentation
- Lots of code cleanup
- Minor fixes
[1] Ataman, Meric, et al. "redGEM: Systematic reduction and analysis of genome-scale metabolic reconstructions for development of consistent core metabolic models." PLoS computational biology 13.7 (2017): e1005444.
[2] Ataman, Meric, and Vassily Hatzimanikatis. "lumpGEM: Systematic generation of subnetworks and elementally balanced lumped reactions for the biosynthesis of target metabolites." PLoS computational biology 13.7 (2017): e1005513.