Hi there, I'm Eleftheria, a Community manager with a coding background, keen on UX research and public speaking 👋
I'm working in the field of tech since 2017. I like researching and getting to know how things started or how I could improve them! I like learning and sharing my knowledge about development/research/design and visual arts. I also try to promote my passions through videos and articles. My hobbies include travelling and working out.
- Currently working as a community manager at Vue School and helping organize their online conferences. Previously worked at CrabNebula and Hashnode.
- My studies include a master's in Graphical Art and Multimedia while I have a major in Informatics and Telecommunications of Engineering.
- My "side projects" are creating YouTube videos, writing tech articles, mentoring code newbies etc.
At first, it can be quite nerve-racking but after you meet a few people you forget your worries and start having fun.
I have participated as a speaker at:
- Shift Conference 24 in Croatia
- WebSummer 24 in Croatia
- JNation 24 in Portugal
- InfosharePL 24 in Poland
- VoxxedDays Ioannina 24 in Greece
- CityJs 23 in Serbia
- WeAreDevelopers World Congress 23 in Germany
- JNation 23 in Portugal
- Neos Conference 23 in Germany
- NDC London 23 in UK
- Build Stuff 22 in Lithuania
- Voxxed Days 22 in Romania
- Init Conference 22 in Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Voxxed Days Thessaloniki 22 in Greece
- Codegarden22 in Denmark
- JS World Conference 22 in Holland
- CityJS Athens 22 in Greece
- BeJS22 in Belgium
- NDC Porto22 in Portuguese
- jsday in Italy
- ConFrontJs22 in Poland
- NDC Oslo21 in Norway
- Angular-Up in Israel
- InfoShiftBip in Croatia
- PyOdessa in Ukraine
- Covalence in San Francisco
- Confrontjs in Poland
- Devops Unicorns in Latvia
- CFCamp in Germany
- Let’s test in South Africa
- PyWebConf in Germany
- AppForum, Zebra in Poland
- codegarden18 in Denmark
- UUDF in the Netherlands
- YouTube channel for more info
- And many online meetups due to the pandemic
I was on the program committee at:
- Looking Back at 2024 and Setting Goals for 2025
- A Comprehensive Guide to Google Maps Scraping
- Bootstrap vs. Pure CSS Grid: A Comparison Guide
- Mastering CSS Preprocessors: A Guide to Sass, Less, and Stylus
- Understanding CSS Inheritance: A Guide to Consistent Styling