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This is Eli's first repository, made to upload and share with Shane. This repository, for now, will simply contain my first project. For this project, I am practicing xarray and attempting to recreate figures present in Shane's published work.

File List:

Histogram.ipynb: This notebook is a partially-functioning first attempt at creating 'density_histogram.pdf'. Ran into runtime issues using datetime[ns] datatype, so I retried in 'Histogram_v2.0'

first_project_xarray.ipynb: This notebook recreates figure 18 and the sst density map from figure 17 in "A dataset of hourly sea surface temperature from drifting buoys" using the

Histogram_v2.0.ipynb: This notebook completes the histogram from figure 17 in "A dataset of hourly sea surface temperature from drifting buoys" by converting the datetime[ns] object to float64 and generates the figure density_histogram.pdf.

fig_17_density.ipynb: This notebook is a cleaned up version of the code in first_project_xarray.ipynb for generating figure 17. Each figure contained in figure 17 has its own pdf file generated in this notebook.

fig_18_sst.ipynb: This notebook is a cleaned up version of the code in first_project_xarray.ipynb and Histogram_v2.0.ipynb for generating figure 18. Each figure contained in figure 18 has its own pdf file generated in this notebook.

Harmonics_Proj: This folder contains all the files used to recreate the mean diurnal cycle harmonic amplitude and phase figures on slide 40 of elipot-aoml2022.pdf presentation.

All below folders/files are contained within Harmonics_Proj folder

A1Plots: This folder contains the monthly analyses of the first SST diurnal harmonic. Files are named after the month being analyzed in its figure.

A2Plots: This folder contains the monthly analyses of the second SST diurnal harmonic. Files are named after the month being analyzed in its figure.

A3Plots: This folder contains the monthly analyses of the third SST diurnal harmonic. Files are named after the month being analyzed in its figure.

Data Collection: This folder contains the Jupyter notebooks used to build the xarray datasets plotted in the harmonics figures. The following three notebooks are contained within this folder:

harmonicsA1_collection.ipynb: This notebook is used to analyze the first harmonic data and generates a .txt file for the total analysis of the first harmonic and for each monthly analysis.

harmonicsA2_collection.ipynb: This notebook is used to analyze the second harmonic data and generates a .txt file for the total analysis of the second harmonic and for each monthly analysis.

harmonicsA3_collection.ipynb: This notebook is used to analyze the third harmonic data and generates a .txt file for the total analysis of the third harmonic and for each monthly analysis.

Plotting: This folder contains the three files used to create the figures for the total and monthly analyses for each harmonic. The following three notebooks are contained within this folder:

HarmonicsA1.ipynb: This notebook loads the .txt files saved by harmonicsA1_collection.ipynb to create figures visualizing the first harmonic amplitude. This notebook is used to generate all files in A1Plots and A1.png in the folder 'tot_amplitude_plots'.

HarmonicsA2.ipynb: This notebook loads the .txt files saved by harmonicsA2_collection.ipynb to create figures visualizing the second harmonic amplitude. This notebook is used to generate all files in A2Plots and A2Plot.png in the folder 'tot_amplitude_plots'.

HarmonicsA3.ipynb: This notebook loads the .txt files saved by harmonicsA3_collection.ipynb to create figures visualizing the third harmonic amplitude. This notebook is used to generate all files in A3Plots and A3Plot.png in the folder 'tot_amplitude_plots'.

animation.ipynb: This notebook loads all of the monthly analyses of a selected amplitude (a set of .png files in a folder) and outputs an animated .gif file. This notebook was used to create A1animation.gif, A2animation.gif, and A3animation.gif in the amplitude_animated folder.

amplitude_animated: This folder contains all of the animated figures which are .gifs of all of the monthly analyses figures of a certain harmonic amplitude. The following files are contained in this folder:

A1animation.gif: Animated .gif of the first harmonic monthly analyses.

A2animation.gif: Animated .gif of the second harmonic monthly analyses.

A3animation.gif: Animated .gif of the third harmonic monthly analyses.


First repository.






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