FIG. 1: Χ2/ν plotted as a function of s for each interval in (1) for the reactions γp -> Κ+Σ0, γp -> Κ+Λ
(1) s ∊ [si, sN]i for i = 1,2, ... , N-1 where N is the total number of data points in the s array.
FIG. 2: Cross section of Σ0 fit to As−N for s > 5.45 GeV2, where N = |2−n| (bottom plot). Cross section multiplied by the scale s−N plotted as a function of s (top plot).
FIG. 3: Cross section of Λ fit to As−N for s > 5.0 GeV2, where N = |2−n| (bottom plot). Cross section multiplied by the scale s−N plotted as a function of s (top plot).