You can create database with Running "Migration.bat" that is under "Domain" Folder. Alternativly you can executre "RideShare_EyupCan_Db.sql"
You can find descriptions to use program and sample usage in Swagger . Also RideShare.postman_collection.json contains sample service call
- Rest api can be write according to Rest Service standart.
- Comments blocks can be added
- Unit and Integration test can be added.
- Seperated service class can be aggregated (I applied this at version2 brach)
- System can be dockerized. SqlServer and Dotnet image used to works on linux via docker.
- String message can be moved to a resource file or can be designed as a constant variable in a seperate class.
- UnitOfWork and Generic Repository can be used to manage transiction and rollback scenerio.
- This system designed according to data-centric approaches. May can be designed as domain-centric aproaches.
In the below I shared basic city plan. I designed the algorithm according to this plan.