This is a server application of a writing books platform . mobile client reposetory link will be added here as soon as posible . This app created with Poco c++ libraries , mongo database and c++ 2014 standards .I'm developing this application only on linux and I don't know if it works on windows too and I don't care too.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
After installing Poco you only need to open project with Qt creator or any other ide and run it . If you want to use application on a real server you will need to set database host and port in code too .
After running you can use API Documentation to develope your client and use it .
If you want to test performance you will need to comment all std::clogs , because program will crash if you don't comment them.This std::clog are temprary for now i will develope a good log system instade of using std::clog soon .
I'm developing this application to be a grate writing platform and I try to document it good to be a very good example of using Poco for developing a webservice and also a website in future .
- Database
- Server
- Controllers
- TemplateEngine
- FireWall
- Advertising
- Payment
- Statistics
I use doxygen documentation style for documenting and I specify priority of TODOs with P[0-3] . e.g :
// TODO P[0] Fix Most important bug that crash application when user send an empty json
// TODO P[1] add important API
// TODO P[2] add an exciting feature
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Behnam Sabaghi - Initial work - FONQRI
This project is licensed under the GPL V3 License - see the Licence file for details
- Modern Cpp website