Laravel 4 package allowing to create a style guide separated in components and allowing to define design standards for a website.
Each component is decoupled from the page layout and is defined by:
- HTML markup
- CSS style
- Javascript
- Code organisation and modularity
- Quickly create a prototype
- Easy to test in different layouts
- Easy to maintain
- Clients and managers approbation
- Workflow in a team
- Shared vocabulary
- Useful reference
- Separation with the backend
- Documenting each component
- Integrates directly into project
- File based
- Annotation along each component (documentation)
- The components don't need to be used only with the Laravel Blade templating system
- Integration with Grunt
- Tagging system allowing to set a status to a component (ex.: approved, completed, in-progress)
- List visual design
- Separate and encapsulate components
- Create a javascript plugin
- Create a page layout containing components
- Composer
- Laravel 4+
- Bower
- Twitter Bootstrap (not required)
- Grunt (not required)
- LESS (not required)
Boots is file based.
- app/views/boots/myComponent.blade.php (HTML markup)
- public/js/boots/myComponent.js
- public/css/boots/myComponent.less
- app/views/boots/myComponent1.blade.php
- app/views/boots/myComponent2.blade.php
- app/views/boots/pages/myComponent1.blade.php
- app/views/boots/myComponent.blade.php
- app/views/boots/docs/
Install this package. In composer.json (of the root of your project) add the package:
{ ... "require": { ... "CloudRaker/boots": "dev-master" }, "repositories": [{ "type": "git", "url": "[email protected]:fr6/boots.git" }], ... }
$ composer update CloudRaker/boots
In app/config/app.php
'providers' => array( ... 'Cloudraker\Boots\BootsServiceProvider', )
$ composer dump-autoload
Create basic directories
app/views/boots/ public/css/boots/ public/js/boots/ public/img/boots/designs/ Note: The "css/boots" and "js/boots" could have been anywhere (see the config file).
Install Twitter Bootstrap in public/bower_components/ (not required)
$ bower install bootstrap#3.3.1 -S
Publish package assets and configuration files
$ php artisan asset:publish cloudraker/boots $ php artisan config:publish cloudraker/boots
If necessary, edit the boots config file (app/config/packages/cloudraker/boots/boots.php).
Create your first component
app/views/boots/myComponent.blade.php public/js/boots/myComponent.js public/css/boots/myComponent.less
Import your component .less file
In your main LESS file:
@import "boots/myComponent.less";
Configure Grunt to build your main less file into public/css/index.css:
grunt.initConfig({ less: { production: { options: { paths: ['public/css'], cleancss: true }, files: { 'public/css/build.min.css': 'public/css/main.less' } } } });
Note: The CSS filename can be changed in the app/config/packages/cloudraker/boots/boots.php file.
Visit da boooots: /boots
If you want to have button controls or some functionnality that is not included in your component you need to create the files:
By default the View used to render a component is:
If you want to overwrite the component page to customize it just create the files:
- Create the file app/views/boots/footer.blade.php
- Insert your HTML content
- Create public/css/boots/footer.less file and import it in your main LESS file
- Create an empty file app/views/boots/myLayout.blade.php
- Create the file app/views/boots/pages/myLayout.blade.php allowing to overwrite the base page of Boots (vendor/cloudraker/boots/src/views/page.blade.php)
- Include a component in the layout:
- Create blade files
- Create the blade file in your views
- Create the js file
- Install Laravel and Boots at the root of your project:
www/*Drupal files*
www/laravel/*Laravel files*
- Put your asset and component files outside of Laravel:
- In the config file of Boots change the Path to assets:
'path_assets' => '../../sites/all/themes/MyDrupalTheme/'
- Create JPG files of your PSD file.
- Put them in public/img/boots/designs/.
Note: The files need to be in JPG format and the extension need to be lowercase (.jpg).