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Setting up Rules

Vesko Karaganev edited this page Jul 25, 2022 · 1 revision

Floating windows


Entries can be added either manually or by using the Add floating rule... option from the ... menu of the window actions bar (top window border).

Automatically float by process name

All windows created by the processes listed here will run in floating mode. Floating mode can be toggled off on a per-window basis using the Float window keybindings (default: F). Regular expressions may be used: notepad.* to match notepad and notepad++.

Automatically float by window class

All windows with a matching window class will run in floating mode. Floating mode can be toggled off on a per-window basis using the Float window keybindings (default: F). Regular expressions may be used: OperationStatusWindow[\d] to match StatusWindow0 through StatusWindow9.

See here (MSDN) for more about windows classes and some standard ones.

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