A virtual reality simulation built for Google Cardboard featuring NFL public safety and health related to concussion regulations and the injury's effect on the player.
Play Through: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bKo3ow25s0
Technical Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjT0Zft3-Io
Our project is going to place the player directly into a controversial health topic in the NFL today, showing the user the impact concussion regulations can have on player health and safety. The user first makes a regulatory decision as a commissioner in the NFL that will affect a player on the field playing a game. After the choice is made, the player will respectively encounter a situation where they either receive or do not receive a concussion, following with socially relevant outcomes. By simulating the concussion with head jerking, adjusting camera blurs, and an unpredictable audio, the condition the player is in depends completely on the choices of the user. We also present the situation in a social context with the effect the medical condition has on familial relationships. Through exploring concussions through a first person perspective, our project accurately leverages VR and aids the user in understanding what it is like to experience and go through such an injury. A relevant article related to our social topic can be found here.
#The scientifically supported data that supports the results of user choices In order to accurately represent the impact concussions have on people, we did some research and uncovered common symptoms and reported visual stigma that can indicate the person had received the injury. These common symptoms included but were not limited to ([from this link] (http://www.brainline.org/content/2012/06/what-you-need-to-know-symptoms-of-concussion.html)):
- Light-headedness, dizziness, or loss of balance
- Increased sensitivity to lights, sounds, or distractions
- Blurred vision or eyes that tire easily
- Ringing in the ears
The above stimuli were able to be leveraged in Google Cardboard by adjusting the camera effects and audio to match the symptoms. As a result, these scientifically reported symptoms shows results of the user getting a concussion due to playing in the game.
Our topic addresses social issues in a context that directly affects the fate of NFL players. Seeing what the player goes through during and after a traumatic brain injury gives the user a look into health affecting sports with a current issue and the effects that these symptoms can have on loved ones.
#Sources Conference room model: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=f08748ae18c68a55ae2253302cadc4cd
Man: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/51662
Coffee Mug: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=b7841572364fd9ce1249ffc39a0c3c0b
Animations: Mixamo Animator
Character Creation: Adobe Fuse Trial (Advisors 1, 2, 3, Doctor, Worried wife, and injured player) Autodesk Character Generator
Minute-Maid Park: Football Setup https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=u7770072b-f86c-4a44-8a63-85dcad4240a7
Low Poly 3D Man (Rigged with Mixamo) https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=cf0116fd7302f7dfb0e3f4dd541ba755
Kyle XY Trager House https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=11fc95f6f8f6efd84f52551bb6d0494
Doctor’s Office https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=9646723bbf608fb871863225e6cc4ec5
Audio: https://acapela-box.com/AcaBox/index.php
Classic Skybox Asset: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/24923
SportsCenter logo for home television: http://cdn1.thecomeback.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/94/2014/02/sclogo.jpg